
Duolingo Cwrs Cymraeg ac ati - Welsh Course on Duolingo etc

Dw i'n brysur iawn ar hyn o bryd yn ysgrifennu'r cwrs, gyda rhywfaint o help o bobl eraill. Daeth y cyfle yma ar ol ymgrych ar Facebook ac mewn llefydd eraill. Un o'r pobl cynta i gefnogi'r ymgyrch oedd yr actores Aimee-Ffion Edwards. Yr wythnos yma bues i'n gwylio Luther ar Netflix ac yn syfrdanu ar dalent Aimee. Dw i'n cofio ei dysgu hi yn yr ysgol ac yn benna dw i'n cofio sgwrs ym 2006 pan oedd hi'n gweithio yn yr ysgol am ychydig fel cynorthwydd. Roedd y stori mor anaferol dw i'n dal ei gofio. Soniodd hi am ei phrofiadau yn chwarae i dim rygbi bechgyn yn yr ardal, efallai Croesyceiliog, mewnwr oedd hi, tan flwyddyn 9.


Cynhadledd UCAC Wel dyma ni, cynhadledd UCAC cyntaf ers 10 mlynedd, cymaint o hen wynebau i'w gweld, profiad hyfryd iawn.


Birthday Apple/Afal Penblwydd

Dyma'r unig afal o'r 3 coeden i oroesi ar ol i Tomas ymosod arnyn nhw.
Yn rhyfedd iawn disgynodd yr afal yma ar fy mhenblwydd eleni. Mae'n
blasus hefyd.

The only surviving apple from the 3 trees. It fell on my birthday too.
Very tasty.



Aren't they cute!

Carwyn and Sinead by canal

A nice sunny day by Cwmbran canal after heavy rain. Everything so clean.


Atgofion - Memories

Nawr gan bod Tomas ar fin mynd i Brifysgol, mae cynnig di-amod ganddo i fynd i Aber, gyda'r arholiadau lefel A drosodd mewn pythefnos, dw i'n meddwl am yr holl flynyddoedd sy wedi mynd heibio. Mae'r llun yma, oedd ar dudalen blaen South Wales Argus, ym 1992, yn ysgogi llawer iawn o atgofion am y cyfnod, dod yn ol i Gwmbran, swydd newydd, bod yn llawer mwy weithgar yn wleidyddol, twf y mudiad chwith. Cymaint mae pethau wedi newid ers hynny.

With Tomas on the verge of going to Uni, with his unconditional place in Aber, this photo brings back lots of memories of when I moved back to Cwmbran, started a new job and was more active politically. It was an optimistic period in some ways, an increase in support for radical/left politics. Things are so different now.


'Serious Hot Chocolate'

Carwyn's drink in Llantarnam Art Centre.


Center Parcs Hair 2

Exploding Hair!!!

Center Parcs Hair 1

Spot Carwyn's hand :-)

Center Parcs

The view from our third storey appartment yesterday.


Dyma lun o Tomas tra roedden ni'n dathlu ei lwyddiant mewn arholiad
ysgoloriaeth Aberystwyth.

A pic of Tomas at our celebration of his success in the Aberystwyth
scholarship exam.



Diwrnod Olaf 2008 y golygfa o'r ty yn y bore ond bron dim mewn mannau
eraill o Gwmbran - tywydd rhyfedd.

New Year's Eve saw a sprinkling of snow on our street but almost none
in other parts of Cwmbran.


Priodas Gretna Marriage

Dyma adeilad cyntaf I mewn i'r Alban o Loegr. The first building into
Scotland from England.


Too young to marry?

Sinead in Scotland before we arrive in Center Parcs


Pen-blwydd Tomas - 18

Heddiw mae Tomas yn dathlu ei ben-blwydd yn 18. Wow i ble aeth y

Happy Birthday To Me

Three months late :-) My sis made me some lovely jelly and blamange. Xxx


Llantarnam Arts Centre......Some lovely pics of Sinead and Mary at different art sessions.


Teachers!/ Athrawon!

Sinead has been fairly happy in her new school, although a lot less than she used to be in Primary. There are people there who look out for her and there is some support. However this week there was an incident that defies description, the letter explains. This is the fourth toned down version as well. Obviously all names removed.

Bu Sinead yn ddigon hapus yn yr ysgol newydd ers mis Medi. Weithiau mae pethau anhygoel yn digwydd. 'on i'n methu credu beth digwyddodd dydd Llun yma, cael ei chosbi mor llym am rhywbeth mor fach ac yr un cosb a bechgyn oedd yn ymladd!!!!


We went to Techniquest today. It was a lovely day in Cardiff Bay
today. Sinead was the usual star of the show. Here she is about to add
two chemicals to make, what the presenter said was, a 'dangerous gas'.
In fact harmless carbon dioxide.

Aethon ni i Dechnicwest heddiw. Roedd yn ddiwrnod braf iawn ym Mae Caerdydd. Fel arfer Sinead oedd seren y sioe. Dyma hi ar fin cymysgu dau gemegyn i wneud, yn ol y cyflwynydd, 'nwy peryglus'. Carbon Deuocsid hollol diogel oedd. :-)


Carwyn's Haircut

Carwyn went to the barbers with Geraint, his after school support.
Here's his cool new haircut.


Feeding The Ducks

Every morning this week has been fine so we, Carwyn Sinead and Me,
have walked to town to take Sinead to the art workshop. On the way
we've fed the very hungry ducks.


Feeding Ducks

Such a lovely October morning. We stopped on the way to the town
centre to feed the ducks.


Gwisg Ysgol/School Uniform

Dechreuodd Sinead mewn Ysgol Gyfun heddiw. Sinead started in comp today.


Doggie time

Ben, Sinead and Buster.


Carwyn and his grandad.

Carwyn in his nice orange T-shirt in his granddad's house.



We went picking this morning in tredegar house park. Carwyn loves
doing this even though he rarely eats them.


Robin Hood in Flowers

Early morning in Nottingham Castle on the first full day of our stay.


Nottingham Trams

Here's Carwym and Sinead on the street with one of the cool looking
trams in the background. We had a quick go on one and it was a nice,
smooth ride.


Outside Rugby school standing next to statue of the person who was
supposed to have started the game.


Yummy 3

Carwyn's chocolate stirrer and hot chocolate in Rugby.

Sinead's muffin

Costa Coffee in the town of Rugby.



Today we visited our third Esporta in as many days. Tomorrow will be
our fourth on our 'road trip'. What strike you is that they are all of
a much higher standard than the ones in Wales. Bigger, better
facilities etc.

We have enjoyed the outdoor pools in all of them evdn though the
weather feels more like Autumn. LOL.


Tuesday Yummy

Costa coffee Cirenchester


Sinead enjoying her ice cream sundae :-)



Carwyn's 10/10 hot chocolate. Little Chef, Cirenchester.

Esporta Gloucester

We went there this afternoon. The first day of our tour of England via
Travelodge and Esporta. What a place! Everything about it was
enormous and luxurious. We had a fun hour playing in the massive
outdoor heated swimming pool. Might pop in on the way back to see if
Sinead's cozzi is still there, LOL.


Ystafell Carwyn - Carwyn's Room

O'r diwedd rydym wedi llwyddo i roi gwely sengl I Carwyn. Dyma'r
ystafell cyn cael y byncs allan.

At last we have managed to get Carwyn a single bed. Here is his room
before taking the bunks out.


Well what a surprise Sinead turned into a rabbit during our visit to Longleat, after Center Parcs, before coming home yesterday :-)

Wel dyna syndod! Wnaeth Sinead troi i mewn i cwningen cyn inni adael Longleat dooe :-)

Carwyn's hand at Center Parcs

We had a lovely weekend at Center Parcs in Longleat. Here's a picture
of Carwyn and Sinead in the Starbucks cafe there with Carwyn sneaking
a touch of Sinead's hair :-)

Gawsom ni penwythnos hyfryd yn Center Parcs. Dyma Carwyn yn cael hwyl
yn teimlo gwallt Sinead :-)


Tomas a Carwyn

Tomas a Carwyn tua 2 fis yn ol.

About 2 months ago.

Sinead in/mewn Sainsburys

Dyma llun o Sinead tua mis yn ol. Here is a picture of Sinead about a
month ago.

Cwmbran Community Farm


Yn ol i'r Gymraeg

Dw i'di bod yn ddiog gan peidio a diweddaru'r blog yma yn rheolaidd. Cofnod hyfryd o fy nheulu yw e a felly mae angen i fi ail-gydio yn y blogio ac yn mynd yn ol i ddwyweithrwydd. Mwy o hanes y teulu i ddod yn fuan.

Back to Welsh.

I have been lazy not updating this more often. It is such a nice record of the family that I think it's time to start posting more regularly. My family events very soon (like in a few hours)


Sinead won a competition for designing a poster about equal opportunities. It was for all primary schools in Wales.

Here she is on Saturday (12/1) collecting her framed poster from Dr Brian Gibbons, AM, the Minister for Social Justice, with Tanni Grey Thompson, the famous paralympics athlete on stage as well.


UB40, great track, going to see them in 2 weeks!!!


Evening on the beach

Last Tuesday we all, except Tomas, went to the beach, Porthcawl, in the evening. We chose the evening because that was when the tide was going to be out.

Carwyn and Sinead had fun in the sea, and then we had our 'tea' there. It was the first time that Sinead remembered having a meal on the beach. It was really a lovely time.

Here a some photos of the photogenic pair.


You Are You Are 17 Years Old17 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.


I took Carwyn and Sinead to Techniquest yesterday. We had a lovely time there, the show on bubbles was fun, although Sinead was for the first time in a while not chosen to go and be a science guinea pig. I think she is getting a bit old to be chosen as they generally like to chose the little cute ones.

It's great to go there once in a while and we have had a family ticket for nearly ten years. As the children have got older they have got more and more out of the exhibits as well.

Afterwards we went to Esporta in Cardiff, it was conveniently on the way home. It's good to do a little exercise a day, better than none at all. Although health/weight wise the gym is better. Carwyn does little exercise otherwise and is getting a bit porky at the moment.

The last place on the way home was a visit to Tesco's nearby where Shotton used to be. We bought some half price crackers, rediculously low priced at 10 for £1.23 (thanks to the expansion of the EU and the low wages in Latvia where they were assembled). It was fun to open them at tea, with just the three of us there. Mary and Tomas are back again later on today, they've been to Plymouth.


Xmas Day

Once again this year we went on our trek to the beach on Xmas say. The weather was a bit grayer than last year, and the wind was fairly bracing, but it was a pleasant half hour and it was amazing the number of surfers enjoying the fairly good surf. See pics below:-




I've been working at Ysgol Gyfun Gwynllyw for 14 years. Recently, partly for health reasons, I have been working part-time there. It has been pleasant to rest after two days work and take time off to relax and to catch up with housework and other exciting activities like washing clothes. It has also been an opportunity to try other not work related activities like going to the gym, playing music and playing badminton, all of which I have done this year and enjoyed.

Mary has been working full-time at Fairwater Comprehensive in the Language and Communication Base as the Head of the base. She has been finding the stresses of working there full-time really onerous. A few months ago she persuaded the headteacher of the school to advertise to find someone to do a job-share with her, so far this has not been achieved. We are now discussing possibility of me doing the job-share with her. I have the qualifications for it, I recently completed my MA in Autism, so that isn't a barrier. The only uncertainty is whether I will want to work 5 days a work and will be able to cope with the physical demands of doing so.

In the new year we are going to give it a try, I'll go into work with her on the two days when I am not working in Gwynllyw to see how it goes. If it seems like it could work we will make a formal application to the school to do the job-share. If it is too onerous then at least we will have tried it out.