
Sinead a phel droed - Sinead and football - Bu Sinead yn ymarfer pel droed gyda thim lleol ers mis Medi diwethaf. Does ganddi ddim llawer o ddawn i chwarae pel droed, mae'n cael trafferth i cicio pel yn effeithiol. Efallai mae awtistiaeth yn cael rhywfaint o effaith arni hefyd does ganddi ddim syniad beth i'w wneud pan mae'r plant eraill yn pasio'r pel rhyngddynt. Hanner ffordd trwy'r tymor y llynedd buodd hi'n colli tymor gyda gweddill y merched tra'n ymarfer oherwydd fyddai neb yn pasio ati hi. Ond un peth am Sinead mae'n ferch heb ofn o gwbl a wnaeth y hyfforddwr sylweddoli bod hi'n fodlon chwarae mewn gol a thaflu ei hunan o gwmpas er mwyn arbed.

Yr wythnos diwethaf wnaeth hi ennill tlws chwaraewraig y gem (gweler llun) i gadw am wythnos ar ol gwneud arbediadau dewr. Mae'n dal yn methu cicio allan, mae'n rhaid iddi gael rhywun arall i wneud hynny ond mae'n deimlad anhygoel pan eich plentyn yn llwyddo tu hwnt i'r disgwyl. Heddiw wnaeth hi adael 4 gol i mewn ond yn erbyn tim oedd yn 2-3 blynedd hyn ac ar ol gwneud 6 arbediad da doedd hyn ddim yn ddrwg o gwbl.

Sinead has been training with a local team since last September. She doesn't have much ability in playing football, and has problems kicking a ball effectively. Maybe autism has got something to do with this also she has not much idea what to do when other children are passing the ball between themselves. Half way through the season she was losing her temper with the other girls because they wouldn't pass the ball to her. But one thing about Sinead is that she has no fear and the trainer realised that she is prepared to throw herself about in goal in order to make saves.

Last week she won the player of the game award (see pic) to keep for a week after making brave saves. She is still unable to kick out, she has to get someone else to do that. It's an incredible feeling when your child does something much better than you expect. Today she let 4 goals but against a team that were 2-3 years older and after making 6 good saves that wasn't bad at all.

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