
Xmas Day

Once again this year we went on our trek to the beach on Xmas say. The weather was a bit grayer than last year, and the wind was fairly bracing, but it was a pleasant half hour and it was amazing the number of surfers enjoying the fairly good surf. See pics below:-




I've been working at Ysgol Gyfun Gwynllyw for 14 years. Recently, partly for health reasons, I have been working part-time there. It has been pleasant to rest after two days work and take time off to relax and to catch up with housework and other exciting activities like washing clothes. It has also been an opportunity to try other not work related activities like going to the gym, playing music and playing badminton, all of which I have done this year and enjoyed.

Mary has been working full-time at Fairwater Comprehensive in the Language and Communication Base as the Head of the base. She has been finding the stresses of working there full-time really onerous. A few months ago she persuaded the headteacher of the school to advertise to find someone to do a job-share with her, so far this has not been achieved. We are now discussing possibility of me doing the job-share with her. I have the qualifications for it, I recently completed my MA in Autism, so that isn't a barrier. The only uncertainty is whether I will want to work 5 days a work and will be able to cope with the physical demands of doing so.

In the new year we are going to give it a try, I'll go into work with her on the two days when I am not working in Gwynllyw to see how it goes. If it seems like it could work we will make a formal application to the school to do the job-share. If it is too onerous then at least we will have tried it out.

Brownies -Sinead had a show in Brownies last Friday. Mary drew the short straw and had to go to see it. She was disappointed with the standard of presentation of the show, which was about recycling. However Sinead was brill, she made an interesting costume out of bin-bags and plastic food packets (see pic) and presented things in a very clear, easy to understand way. Well done Sinead.

Yr Iaith Gymraeg - Welsh -

When I started this I intended it to be bilingual, as I live in a bilingual family and work in a bilingual environment. The targeted readership are the few friends and family that regularly access the internet. However over the approx 18 months that it has been active I have found making entries bilingual takes more than twice as long as doing it only in one language, this is because that translating from one language to another is not always a simple process. There is often not an absolute equivalent of a phrase in one language to one in another.

Since the majority of the few readers are not bilingual it's time for pragmatism to rule over principle.

Hwyl i'r Gymraeg am y tro!


Damwain - Accident.

Gwnaeth rhywun bwrw i mewn i gefn fy nghar ddoe. Mae'n gymaint o boen pan mae hyn yn digwydd gyda cwmnoiedd ysiwriant ac ati. Lwcus doedd neb wedi ei anafu ac mae'r car dal yn symud er y tolc mawr yn y cefn. Pan mae rhywbeth fel hyn yn digwydd, a digwyddodd popeth mor sydyn 10am y bore yn syth ar ol pasio camera cyflymder, mae'n gwneud i chi sylweddoli pa mor peryglus yw ceir.

Someone bashed into the back of my car yesterday. It is such a pain when this happens with insurance companies etc. Luckily no-one was injured and the car is still moving, despite the huge dent in the back. When something like this happens, and it all happened so quickly at 10am in the morning straight after passing through a speed camera, it makes you realise how dangerous cars are.