

Aethon ni i Borthcawl heddiw, diolch i awgrym ffrind fy nghwaer (sy ddim eisiau cael sylw yn y blog - sori Julie). Diwrnod bendigedig! Roedd y mor yn gynnes (i gymharu gyda thymhereddau arferol dim byd cystal a'r 'Med' wrth gwrs) roedd y gwynt yn gynnes. Cafodd Sinead a Carwyn llawer o hwyl yn y mor. Wnes i nofio hefyd, y tro cyntaf yn y mor ers 2 neu 3 blynedd. Hyfryd. Dyma lun o Sinead ar y creigiau, wnes i geisio cael llun synhwyrol o Tomas ond unwaith eto wnaeth e dynnu wyneb gwirion.

Fel arall mae'r gwyliau'n mynd yn iawn, digonedd o waith papur i gwblhau ar gyfer teithiau Tomas gyda'r sgowtiaid y penwythnos yma a'r Urdd yr wythnos nesaf.

I son am rhywbeth arall mae'n rhyfedd sut mae'r Derynas Unedig yn symud i gyfeiriad cymdeithas gormesol heb llawer o wrthwynebiad na drafodaeth. Mae'r heddlu yn gofyn am yr hawl i dal pobl heb mynd i'r llys am 3 mis. Ymateb Blair - 'syniad da' . Gyda 'gorchmynion rheoli' eisoes mewn grym a phobl yn cael ei saethu ar y stryd gan yr heddlu, beth sy'n nesaf - bantustan i'r moslemiaid?

We went to Porthcawl today, thanks to the suggestion of my sister's friend (who didn't want a mention in this blog - sorry Julie). A fabulous day! The sea was warm (to compare with its usual temperature no way as good as the 'Med' of course) the wind was warm. Lovely. Carwyn and Sinead had a great time in the water, I even had a swim - the first time in the water for some years. Above is a picture os Sinead on the rocks, I tried to take one of Tomas but as usual he made a silly face.

Otherwise the holiday is going OK, plenty of paper work to complete for Tomas's trips with the Scouts and the Urdd over the next two weeks.

In terms of the general situation it's frightening how the UK is turning into a repressive society without much opposition or debate. The police want to hold people for 30 days without trial. Blair's reaction - 'Good idea'. With control orders already in place and the police gunning people down in the street what's next - bantustans for muslims?


Anonymous said...

Nice to know they have internet access in the back of beyond. (Porthcawl)

Richard Morse said...

Who? Pwy?

Anonymous said...

fedra i stopo gwylio Neighbours nawr